[Improvement] Added support for the “data:” image URL scheme.
[Improvement] Enhanced compatibility for browsers with JavaScript disabled via the tag.
[Improvement] Cleaned BerqWP options upon uninstallation.
[Bug] Fixed background images not loading upon initial page load.
[Bug] Fixed duplicate WP_Cache define function in wp-config.php.
[Bug] Fixed broken WebP images when an image URL has a duplicate file extension in the filename.
[Bug] Fixed issue where Ignore params were not working.
Added user agent for cache warmup requests.
Fixed license key deactivate bug.
Minor improvements for cache warmup.
Implemented parallel processing for cache warmup.
Added a toggle for enabling/disabling BerqWP CDN.
Added a toggle for WebP image generation.
Users can now exclude any external JavaScript & CSS files from optimization.
Added a toggle to preload font face upon the initial page load.
Added flush cache support for object cache.
BerqWP now caches external JavaScript files.
Improved user interface.
Added a Dropin plugin for delivering the cache.
Premium users now have the ability to set a click and define the time to trigger the click after the page loads.
Enhanced cache delivery speed for improved performance.
Added browser cache for optimized user experience.
Now you can activate the BerqWP license key on your multisite network by adding define("BERQWP_LICENSE_KEY", "Enter your license key here"); in your wp-config.php file of the parent website. The license key will be activated on all sites in the network.
Fixed duplicates for the Page Exclusion list.
Automatically disable advanced-cache.php left by other speed optimization plugins.
Made improvements for Oxygen builder.
Added compatibility for subdirectory WordPress installations.
Enabled JavaScript optimization exclusively for home pages in the free version.
Made improvements in caching initialization so that BerqWP can now function even without WP cron.
Added some more speed optimization plugins to BerqWP’s plugin conflict list.
Fixed compatibility issues with the Avada theme.
Now, BerqWP can detect and optimize image URLs added as the attribute value of div, span, and section tags.
Added some more speed optimization plugins to BerqWP’s plugin conflict list.
BerqWP can now lazy load image srcset as well.
Improved CSS optimization method for more sustainable results.
Changed the hook for delivering cache from the template_redirect hook to the wp hook.
Added some more speed optimization plugins to BerqWP’s plugin conflict list.
BerqWP plugin is now translation ready.
Removed unused code and files.
Fixed Issue with WebP Image srcset: The WebP srcset was previously blocked by license key verification. Now, you get WebP URLs for image srcset even without activating the license key.
Improvement In Cache Invalidation: BerqWP can now detect dynamic parts of HTML that change on every refresh and can ignore them, enhancing the cache invalidation process.
Improvement In Image Lazy Loading: BerqWP no longer uses an old-school loader GIF as an image placeholder. Now, BerqWP generates a low-quality blurred image that serves as a placeholder, providing a better user experience.
Improvement In CLS: BerqWP can now add width and height attributes for images that don’t have them, contributing to improved Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).
Added WooCommerce Cart and Checkout Page URLs to the Cache Excluded List: WooCommerce cart and checkout page URLs have been added to the cache excluded list, ensuring a smooth shopping experience.
Added Trailing Slashes for Cache Excluded URLs: Trailing slashes have been added for cache excluded URLs, aligning with URL formatting best practices.
Moved BerqWP Review Notification to BerqWP Admin Page Only: The BerqWP review notification has been relocated to the BerqWP admin page exclusively, reducing user interruptions.
Added page exclusions for caching.
Added option to ignore URL parameters for caching.
Removed caching for logged-in users.
Removed caching lifespan.
Resolved the issue with the Gutenberg image block “Click to expand” feature.
Combined BerqWP Lite & Premium.
Integrated the Photon Engine for cloud based optimization.
BerqWP has become a 100% automatic speed optimization tool.
Automatically converts images into WebP.
Fixed bugs.
Fixed some bugs.
Fixed some bugs.
Prevented 404 pages from being cached.
Added support for Jetpack plugin.
Added WebP support for hosts or servers that previously lacked compatibility.
Fixed bugs.
Added interactions-based styles loading.
Added automatic cleaning for BerqWP scheduled tasks.
Enhanced JavaScript-based lazy loading for images.
Added placeholder image for lazy loading.
Added JavaScript-based lazy loading for images.
Fixed bugs.
Enhanced the LCP mechanism. Now, BerqWP preloads LCP separately for mobile and desktop.
Enhance WebP Images
Fixed bugs
Updated layout
Enhance WebP images
Added review notification
Fixed a bug regarding WebP images.
BerqWP Lite initial release.
SearchPro plugin temporarily switch with BerqWP Lite.